Although manufactured under contract for Portugal, many of the Portuguese K98k rifles were diverted to the German Wehrmacht in 19 to alleviate rifle shortages that resulted from combat losses in Russia. The rifle is complete with an original russet leather sling with contractor markings stamped in ink on the inside face.
#K98 serial numbers full
The bayonet has a full blue finish with two-piece walnut grips and a blue scabbard with black leather frog. A similar Waffenamt is stamped on the bayonet scabbard tip. The bayonet pommel is stamped with two stick eagle Waffenamts and a third inspection mark is stamped on the release button. The buttplate is stamped with "+", "brg" and a "Eagle/WaA497" Waffenamt. A third smaller "Eagle/WaA135" inspection mark is stamped behind the trigger guard.
#K98 serial numbers serial number
"Eagle/135" Armed Forces Inspection Stamps (Waffenamts) are stamped on the side of the barrel and top of the side of the stock below the serial number and on the left side of the stock below the bolt disk. "Eagle/Swastika" firing proofs are stamped on the left side of the barrel behind the rear sight base and in front of the serial number on the left side of the receiver. The rifle is has a full set of Wehrmacht inspection and proofmarks. The bayonet hilt is stamped with the serial number "H10223" and the bayonet scabbard frog stud is stamped "H23". Smaller components including the rear sight slide and bolt release are stamped with the partial serial number "23". Major components including the trigger guard, floor plate, upper and lower barrel band, rear sight, bolt sleeve, cocking piece and safety are stamped "10223".

The top of the bolt handle is stamped "1/0223/H" in three lines. "10223/H" is crisply stamped on the stock below the pistol grip. The serial number "H10223" is roll-stamped on the left side of the receiver ring. The left side of the receiver is roll-stamped with the commercial legend "MAUSER-WERKE AG OBERNDORF A.N.". The European walnut stock is oil-finished and fitted with a bright cupped buttplate. The rifle has the Mauser commercial blue finish on the receiver, barrel, bolt floor plate and other components. The Portuguese crest and "1941" are also stamped on the left side of the stock. The receiver is roll-stamped with the Portuguese crest and the date "1941". The late production Portuguese contract Mauser K98k rifles were nearly identical to Wehrmacht K98k rifles but featured solid walnut stock and a commercial quality blue finish. Portuguese contract Mauser K98k Rifle (Portuguese Model 1941 Short Rifle) manufactured in 1941.